Tuesday, 10 March 2009 The fuss in public
Me, my mum, brother and sister went to a photo shop to take some driving license pics for my mum. We wanted to ask the women to put it on our USB. She said that she has to print it and then scan it into the computer. So we have to pay for the printed pics too. Altogether it's about £16.50. But later on she said she couldn't get it onto our USB stick. AND have to pay the full amount! My mum got angry and started shouting at the women. Call her racist. She thinks she can like bully as just cos we're chinese!! I swear, I could have swore in her face! But i managed to hold it in. I got mad too so I joined in the shouting lol I think I finally put some sense into her by asking some 'questions'. Can't remember what I said but it was something like 'Why are we paying for nothing?' 'Are you saying that scanned images on the pc can't be deleted??' There was 1 last question I tried not to say. It was 'Did you know this is similar to begging? Personally I think it would be easier to beg out there!!' *point point* lol The manager came out and gave out money back ^^ GO ME! haha...first time ever that I've had the courage to shout like that in public. Hope I'll keep it up! That way I can't get bullied :D