On wednesday (18th November), I had something called music school. It when people who can play a musical instrument practice stuff after school to perform. I play the violin but I'm not very good..
Anyway, we were practicing for a concert on the 2nd December 2009. We're going to play 3 pieces called James Bond, Shockwave and Gaelic castle. James Bond was REALLY difficult and I had to lead the 3 rd violins so if I do something wrong the it's likely that the whole section will mess up :s
Everyone kept on messing up and there were only a few more rehersals left so the teacher fell into a funny mood where she dumped her violin and run out. I honestly didn't know what was going on until I could be bothered to listen to what the other kids are saying. They said she was crying...and she was cos her face looked funny when she cam in again.
I started choir on friday!! It was actually ok cos I mouthed the words ^^ shh...the choir concert is on the 12th December eek~ i just realised...2 concerts in 1 month!!!